Brief subject description:
4 *1978250808045 *Втулка резиновая * *KS (шт.) *4 *AI-9V, АИ-9В *
Name | CRN | Country of headquarters/place of business/habitation | Tender price in CZK without VAT |
Tender price in CZK with VAT |
Excluded |
DOZON s.r.o. | 27950701 | Czech Republic | n/a | n/a | No |
WINDROSE FZE | 17122 | United Arab Emirates | n/a | n/a | No |
Date of contract conclusion: 01.08.2023
Name | CRN | Country of headquarters/place of business/habitation | Contractual price in CZK without VAT |
Contractual price in CZK with VAT |
WINDROSE FZE | 17122 | United Arab Emirates | 1 102,62 | 1 102,62 |