Public contract: Zajištění oprav součástek a montážních jednotek motorů TV3-117 A AI-25 TL

Information on public contract

Lots of public contract

Title Estimated value Phase Time limit for tenders / requests
Služby spojené s opravou součástek a montážních jednotek motoru TV3-117 n/a Cancelled 17.05.2021 13:00
Služby spojené s opravou součástek a montážních jednotek motoru AI-25 TL n/a Cancelled 17.05.2021 13:00

Subject items

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Procurement documents

Qualifications documentation not provided (or is part of procurement documents).

Procurement documents are provided electronically with direct access.

Procurement documents - files download

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Also check the procurement documents on the individual lots you are interested in participating in.

Explanation, completion, changes of procurement documents


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URL addresses

URL title URL address Action
URL of the public contract in E-ZAK